
DateEvent TypeNotes/
Competition Entry Deadline
4/4/24Admin and discussion of the upcoming programme, Web site presentation and introducution of the WCPF Kingswood salver competition.Secretary / Competitions Secretary
18/4/24L/WPortrait WorkshopLaura Pearce
2/5/24WWorkshop(print Mounting and Camera Cleaning)Don Easter
7/5/24(Tues)BBattle with Mid Somerset (note: Tuesday – away venue)
16/5/24WShow and Tell Evening with Honiton Camera Club[home]
30/5/24C16/5/24Print and Dpi Competition(Portrait, Open)Laura Pearce
13/6/24WSoftware and editing workshopTBC
20/6/24optional - PWayford woods ( near Winsham) insects and wildlifeTBC
27/6/24SSummer Social
------Summer Recess--
5/9/24LBird PhotographyPeter Otley
19/9/24WRemind about Hunt deadlineWorkshop – Show and Tell(Constructive Critique)TBC
3/10/24SHunt deadline 6th 0ctWCPF Travelling ExhibitionWCPF Secretary
17/10/24LTBC Black and White and landscapeNick and Heather Bodle
31/10/24C17/10/24DPI and Print Competition(Natural History, Open)TBC
7/11/24CTBCWCPF Kingswood salver set of 5 CHARD?
14/11/24Workshop software editingTBC
21/11/24optional - PNight photography shoot/TalkTBC
28/11/24LWild life and WaterRobin Morrison
12/12/24CIntroduce EDIT3Hunt Competitions
19/12/24SXmas Social
9/1/25WEdit 3 show and tellCompetitions Sec
23/1/25C9/1/25Print and dpi Competition (Water, Mono)Robin Morrison
2/2/25WCPF Interclub Battle - Corn Exchange Exeter
6/2/25WShow and tell any topic/projects/panels
12/2/25(Wed)BBattle with Wellington (note: Wednesday – away venue)
20/2/25C12/2/25Triptych DPI ONLYTBC
7/3/25WShow and Tell - Honiton Camera ClubAway Venue

Key:     L – Lecture;     C – Competition;     W – Workshop;     P – Photoshoot;     S -Social;     B – Battle

Constructive Critique – Members are encouraged to submit images they would like to enter into competitions but would like constructive criticism first.

Work Shops – Members are encouraged to bring in their cameras/Laptops or prints in need of mounting.

Grandslam – Competition where members enter 4 images ( no more than 3 per category ie: Print/ Dpi) they can be winning or placed images or even brand new images. This allows for all members to take part in this end of season event, rather than a small group.

To download a copy of this programme click programme 2024-25 – final